Hey guys!
I've been wanting to update for some days already, but I couldn't find free time to do so. I'm sorry!
Maybe rumours got to get through to some people. I don't know whether blogs are still being translated or not.
However, seems like lately there's a strange atmosphere around Vidoll. Well maybe it's not "strange", but something that naturally happens, when bands stop activities. To kinda drift apart?
Additionally there seemed to have been complaints about Jui being the only one to attend the instore event. And apparently it's not only the fans, who are disturbed by that fact, but the members, too?
There are feelings of uncertainness among japanese fans and the seem to wonder, how it will go on with Vidoll. And if it will go on at all.
Shun seems to be pretty engaged with his own business now, doesn't he?
Well, well. We'll see how things turn out!
However, at the moment my sympathies especially go to Rame and Jui. Hang in there, guys!