
Happy New Year 2011!!!

Happy new year to everybody out there!!

Sorry for being so dead for a long time. Things have been quite tough and I was busy with life.
However, many things happened around Vidoll, as Saku already wrote in her previous post :) I won't add anything to that. Most of you followed their activities anyways, didn't you? I'll come to the more recent news.

As you all know, they had 2 christmas lives on 25th and 26th of December, which were limited to the fanclub. Jui didn't participate, but nonetheless the lives are told to have been really great!!! Me too, I'd loved to join them, listen to Giru singing multiple songs (like Waisetsu & Aimai, etc.) (^o^) Of course Rame, too!!! I love his singing, because it's ... unique. Hahahaha. Him singing Kamiuta is no surprise, is it?
(However I'm glad I didn't have to hear Shun sing... hahahhaha. Must have been shocking.)

Well, everbody safely arrived at 2011!! Together with some really nice "happy new year" messages (Giru is so crazy, boy!). Next important date would be the 19th of january, because yeah, it's time for their BEST Album.
Everybody keep looking forward to the new song!