
Movie "Goth-Loli Shokeinin"

as most people already know, vidoll are recording the official title song for the movie "Goth-Loli Shokeinin" (ゴスロリ処刑人) [official homepage]
the song "Gothicaroid kai" (ゴシカロイド改) will be included in their so far last single CRESCENT GAZER, which will be released on 15th of september

however, the movie, whose [trailer] got published already on 9th of june this year, will be playing in the late show of the japanese theater "Theater N Shibuya" from the 4th of september on
so everybody who's not just interested in the song, but also the movie, please go and get your ticket for that show!


yuki lived together with her parents, jiro and kayako, in peace.
however one day, they got attacked by a group of assassins, the father got robbed of his legs' mobility and the mother got murdered.
why did mother get murdered? what is the true aim of that group of assassins? yuki turns into a ghost of vengeance dressed up in gothic lolita fashion and executes every single one of the 5 members of the assassin-group