Sometimes I wonder why some vidoll fans don't spot the obvious. How often have the three of us heard the question "what can i give thatandthat vidoll member as a present?".
This is fairly simple if you pay attention to what they say, or, in most of our cases, write.
A very obvious thing that many seem to ignore is that Giru is a huge fan of Lush cosmetics. And when you look closely you even see that I am not making this up.
you know, some years ago Lush had a special "bath bomb" gift set for Christmas. It was in shape of a silver star and looked like that
and what can you spot in Giru's room?
do you see it?
Dear Giru, the fact that you are a Captain Obvious is not appreciated by all of your fans.
But I do notice! That's why i know you liked my present!